Not only the differences of climate, but the multitude of
instances named, and the peculiar destiny attached to each of
us from the moment of his birth,[1] tend to render one very uncertain in forming any general conclusion respecting the length
and duration of human life. Hesiod, who was the first to
make mention of this subject, while he states many circumstances about the age of man, which appear to me to be fabulous, gives to the crow nine times the ordinary duration of our
life, to the stag four times the length of that of the crow, to
the raven three times the length of that of the stag, besides
other particulars with reference to the phœnix and the Nymphs
of a still more fabulous nature. The poet Anacreon gives[2]
one hundred and fifty years to Arganthonius,[3] the king of the
Tartessii; ten more to Cinaras,[4] the king of Cyprus, and two
hundred to Ægimius
.[5] Theopompus gives one hundred and
fifty-three years to Epimenides of Cnossus; according to Hellenicus, some of the nation of the Epii, in Ætolia, have completed their two hundredth year; and his account is confirmed
by Damastes, who relates that Pictoreus, one of this nation,
who was remarkable for his size and strength, lived even to his
three hundredth year. Ephorus says that some kings of Arcadia have lived three hundred years; Alexander Cornelius, that
there was one Dandon, in Illyricum, who lived five hundred years.
Xenophon, in his Periplus, gives to a king of the island of
the Lutmii six hundred years, and, as though in that instance
he had lied too sparingly, to his son eight hundred.[6] All these
statements, however, have originated in a want of acquaintance with the accurate measurement of time. For some nations
reckon the summer as one year, and the winter as another;
others again, consider each of the four seasons a year; the
Arcadians, for instance, whose years were of three months each.
Others, such as the Egyptians, calculate by the moon, and
hence it is that some individuals among them are said to have
lived as many as one thousand years.
Let us proceed, however, to what is admitted to be true.
It is pretty nearly certain, that Arganthonius of Gades[7] reigned
eighty years, and he is supposed to have commenced his reign
when he was forty. Masinissa, beyond a doubt, reigned
sixty years,[8] and Gorgias, the Sicilian, lived one hundred and
unwittingly the father of Adonis, by his own daughter Myrrha (or Smyrna), in consequence of the anger of Venus or Aphrodite. He was said
to have founded the city of Cinyra in Cyprus.
eight.[9] Quintus Fabius Maximus was an augur for sixty-
three years.[10] M. Perperna, and more recently, L. Volusius
Saturninus, survived all those whose suffrages each had solicited
on the occasion of his consulship;[11] Perperna lived ninety-eight years, and left after him only seven of those whose
names, when censor, he had enrolled. Connected with this
fact, it also suggests itself, and deserves to be remarked, that
it has happened only once, that five successive years have
ever passed without the death of a senator taking place; this
was the case from the occasion on which the censors Flaccus
and Albinus performed the lustration, in the year of the City
579, until the time of the succeeding censors.[12]. M. Valerius
Corvinus completed one hundred years, forty-six of which intervened between his first and sixth consulship.[13] He occupied
the curule chair twenty-one times,[14] a thing that was never
the case with any one besides. The pontiff Metellus also attained the same age.[15]
Among women also, Livia, the wife of Rutilius, exceeded
her ninety-sixth year; during the reign of Claudius, Statilia,
a member of a noble family, died at the age of ninety-nine;
Terentia, the wife of Cicero, lived one hundred and three
years, and Clodia, the wife of Ofilius, one hundred and fifteen;
she had fifteen children.[16]
Lucceia, an actress in the mimes, performed on the stage
when one hundred years old, and Galeria Copiola returned to
the stage, to perform in the interludes,[17] at the votive games
which were celebrated for the health of the deified Augustus, in
the consulship of C. Poppæus and Q. Sulpicius.[18] She had
made her first appearance when eight years of age, just ninety-one years before that time, when M. Pomponius was ædile of
the people, in the consulship of C. Marius and Cn. Carbo.[19] When
Pompeius Magnus dedicated his great theatre, he brought her
upon the stage, as being quite a wonder, considering her old
age. Asconius Pedianus informs us, that Sammula also lived
one hundred and ten years. I consider it less wonderful that
Stephanio, who was the first to dance on the stage in comedy
descriptive of Roman manners, should have[20] danced at the
two secular games, those celebrated by the deified Augustus, and by Claudius Cæsar, in his fourth consulship, considering that the interval that elapsed between them was no more
than sixty-three years;[21] indeed, he lived a considerable time
after the last period. We are informed by Mutianus, that, on
the peak of Mount Tmolus, which is called Tempsis, the people
live one hundred and fifty years, and that T. Fullonius, of
Bononia, was set down as of the same age, in the registration
which took place under the censorship of Claudius Cæsar; and
this appeared to be confirmed by comparing the present with
former registrations, as well as many other proofs that he
had been alive at certain periods—for that prince greatly interested himself in ascertaining the exact truth of the matter.
1. Pliny here alludes to the doctrine of astrology, which forms the
especial subject of the next Chapter.—B.
2. These statements are not found in any of the works of Hesiod now
extant; it is scarcely necessary to observe, that they are entirely without
foundation, and contrary to all observation and experience.—B.
3. The great age of Arganthonius is referred to by Lucian, in his treatise
"De Macrobiis," "on Long-lived Men;" by Herodotus, B. i. c. 163; by
Cicero, de Senect. sec. 19; and by Valerius Maximus, B. viii. c. 13; the
three latter writers agree in making his age 120 years, and hence Pliny
assigns to him the same age in the next page.—B. St. Augustine, De
Civitate Dei, B. xv., quotes this passage of Pliny, and mentions the age
of Arganthonius, as stated by him, to have been 152 years. For Tartessus,
in Spain, see B. iii. c. 3, and B. iv. c. 36.
4. His story is told by Ovid, Met. B. x., where he is said to have become
5. Callimachus mentions a person of this name, who wrote a treatise on
the art of making cheesecakes. There was also a physician so called, who
flourished in the fifth century B.C. , and who is said by Galen to have been
the first who wrote a treatise on the probe. Whether either of these individuals is the person here alluded to, is unknown.
6. We have the same statement as to the age of Epimenides, in Valerius
Maximus, B. viii. s. 13; he also, in the same section, gives an account of
the Epii, of Pictoreus, of Dandon, and of the king of the island of the
Tyrians, all of which agree with the present statement, except that the
person mentioned by Damastes is called Literius, and the last-named individual is styled the king of the island of the Lutmii.—B.
7. The king of the Tartessi, mentioned above.—B.
8. Pliny has already spoken of the vigorous old age of Masinissa, in the
12th Chapter of the present Book.—B.
9. We have an account of Gorgias in Cicero, de Seneet. sec. 9; in Valerius Maximus, B. viii. c. 13, and in Lucian.—B.
10. Valerius Maximus, ubi supra, reduces this to sixty-two years.—B.
11. We have the same statement respecting Peperna in Valerius Maximus,
but he does not mention his age.—B.
12. The names of the succeeding censors were C. Claudius Pulcher, and
T. Sempronius Gracchus.
13. V. Maximus gives the same account of the age of Corvinus, but he states
the interval between his consulships to have been forty-seven years. According to the Fasti, in Dr. Smith's Dictionary of Antiquities, the interval
was forty-eight years, from A.U.C. 406 to A.U.C. 455.—B.
14. The honour of the curule-chair—"sella curulis." It was attached to
the offices of consul, prætor, and ædile; Corvinus had, therefore, been
elected to one or other of these offices twenty-one times.—B.
15. Valerius Maximus gives the same account of Metellus. He also informs us that Metellus, although of an advanced age when created pontiff,
held the office for twenty-two years; so also Cicero, de Senect. sec. 9.—B.
16. We have the same account of these females in Valerius Maximus.
He adds, that Clodia survived all her children; Seneca, Epist. 77, also refers
to the great age of Statilia.—B.
17. "Emboliaria," an actress in the "embolium," or interlude of the
Roman stage; also called "acroama," by Cicero. It appears to have been
a concert of musical instruments, perhaps accompanied by dancing.
18. Their consulship was A.U.C. 761.—B.
19. Their consulship was A.U.C. 671, which would leave an interval of
ninety years between her first appearance and her appearance at the votive
20. "Togatus saltare instituit." He acted in the "togatæ fabulæ," comedies representing Roman life, or the life of those who wore the toga, the
civic costume of the Romans. The Greek comedies were called "palliatæ."
21. The secular games of Augustus are stated by Suetonius, in his Life
of Augustus, c. 31, and by Dion Cassius, to have taken place A.U.C.